Melanie Marie Aleman
Author, Illustrator, Owner, CEO and
Executive Creative Designer of MMA Illustrations
Member of the Graphic Artist Guild - East Region
Member of SCBWI
Melanie attended the Academy of Art University San Francisco for her B.A. in Illustration and Multi-Media Design. Determined to show the world her talents in the competitive industry, she created her own path and became an author and illustrator for children's books. Captivating the masses with her creations, requests for her unique custom designs became highly in demand. Discovering the needs for her services, she became familiar with the trade and decided to go into business for herself. This is when MMA Illustrations was born.
Melanie M. Aleman is a self-published author whose books are selling on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Walmart and other locations. Her book, " The Adventures of Flash and Fidget and the Mysterious Slime App" has been nominated for the TCK Publishing Readers' Choice Awards 2022 and is currently in the running top 3 of their YA/ Middle Grade category. Her goal is to create engaging chapter books for children/YA with reading disabilities. By doing so, she keeps fonts large, stories current, chapters short to help give the sense of accomplishment and hand Illustrates a picture per page to help keep the reader engaged and turn to the next page.